Some Folk like One Kinda Folk

On the advice of a friend I took a little mozie on down yesterday afternoon to One Kinda Folk café, which as it transpires turns out to be a right hidden gem, nestled away behind an ivy clad wall on Dartmouth Road in Ranelagh and well worth the visit especially in good weather. Having parkedContinue reading “Some Folk like One Kinda Folk”

Is Dublin obsessed with coffee? A recent worldwide survey says YES!

I’ll be the first to admit that I have an insane addiction for coffee! I only either drink Espresso or Americano, always black and I’ve got a DeLonghi Magnifica machine that grinds the beans fresh for each cup. While I always knew I was just one of many who love the aroma and taste ofContinue reading “Is Dublin obsessed with coffee? A recent worldwide survey says YES!”

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